How Far Back Do We Go?

In 1381, a revolt of people weary of taxes, feudalism, and government abuses rose up in England in an event known as the Peasant Revolt or Great Uprising. Wat Tyler, the main leader of the revolt, was killed in battle by royal troops. Another leader, the populist anti-feudal priest John Ball was tried for treason and drawn and quartered. Freedom is not free. As Ronald Reagan warned. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” History is a bloody struggle. No group of people on this earth had an idyllic past. When our forefathers won their independence from Britain, did they demand reparations from the British crown? Did those of Scottish and Irish descent demand compensation from the Englsih for centuries of invasion and oppression? Prior to that, did Englishmen of Anglo-Saxon descent sue Denmark and Sweeden for the Danish and Viking invasions of England in the ninth century? Did Englishmen of Celtic descent sue the Italians for reparations for the Roman conquest of Britain in the first century? America has bent over backwards to compensate the blacks for slavery and discrimination. It is not only time for blacks to stop whining for reparations and special treatment, it is high time for us White people to make it very clear to them that we owe them NOTHING. Israel has bent over backwards to appease the Palestinians, and look what thery have gotten in return — continued terror attacks fueled by insane, incandescent hatred. Israel, you owe the Palestinians NOTHING. During the War Between the States, no one suffered greater atrocities than White Southern civilians. Yet we White Southerners are the most ardent American patriots in the land. What does that tell you? White people, read your history, celebrate your heiritage, wake up, stand up, and take your country back.

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We Are What We Remember

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the death of George Floyd. He died on Memorial Day, a holy day for those of us who honor the sacrifices of those who fought to win and preserve our freedoms. There are many people in our country who are remembering and celebrating George Floyd in heroic terms, as if he were some sort of martyr to the cause of justice. These same people will neglect to honor our hallowed dead, the trure martyrs, this coming Memeorial Day. George Floyd was a reprehensible career criminal who served five years in a Texas prison for breaking into the home of a pregnant woman and holding a gun to her belly as he robbed her for drug money. At the time of his death he was high on methamphetemine and lethal levels of fentanyl. It was clear in the trial of the lead arresting officer Derek Chauvin that Floyd did not die of asphxiation as claimed by the prosecution. Officer Chauvin was railroaded by a prejudiced jury and prosecutorial misconduct. One of the jurors has since been shown to have lied when he claimed during jury selection that he had not formed an opinion of Chauvin’s guilt. The conviction may very well be overturned on appeal. Let us pray so. One of the alarming things about so many people is that they are so easily manipulated by the left. The left’s exploitation of Floyd’s death launched rioting and looting which continues in some cities to this day.

Race is an emotional tool the left cleverly uses to advance their aims. But let us never forget that, leftist agitation or not, incidents like the Floyd death wil always incite rioting and looting. For make no mistake: at the root of the violence is black crime, pure and simple. It does not take a racially charged incident to incite black looting. In the phenomena known as “flash mobs,” dozens of black people show up at a store simultaneously and loot thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise before the police can arrive. But you never hear about that in the mainstream media. In my hometown of Statesboro, Georgia a black man named Marcus Wilson is awaiting trial for murdering a teenaged White girl by shooting her in the back of the head in what he claims was a racially charged incident. Two rallies have been held in his support at the Bulloch County courthouse. Race hustlers are trying to portray Wison as a martyr. The local newspaper printed a front-page photo of Wilson crying when he was denied bond. Consider that. A beautuful young girl whom Wilson did not even know was killed because he shot wildly at someone else whom he felt had said something offensive, and he tears up because he was denied bond. And, further, people show up at a public rally to show their support for him. There is a mass psychosis plaguing our country. Those of us who have not succumbed to it have to deal with it.

It is not enough that we White people stop apologizing for our culture and history, we must push back against this anti-White movement afoot in our nation. We must be loud, zealous advocates of our race, our heritage, and our institutions. It is not only totally appropriate that White people celebrate their heritage, but we have reached a point where we must fight for our very survival. This Memorial Day let us remember that the good life we have here in America did not just happen. It was created for us by the toil, sacrifice, virtue, and, yes, genius of our forebearers. While some among us will be celebrating the life of a worthless thug, let us remember and honor our hallowed dead.

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White Heritage

Good evening, friends and neighbors. Because of the rapid, unexpected growth of my Facebook page White Heritage, I was moved to start this blog. I have done so to combat the anti-White vitriol that that has become commonplace in government schools, academia, politics, and popular culture. It is my purpose to expose the lies told about our history and culture, and, hopefully counteract the brainwashing which our young people have been subjected to.

This great civilization of which we are a part, Western civilization, can be said to have begun in the sixth century BC in the Ionic Greek city of Miletus on the coast of what is now Turkey. For in that great trading center lived a man named Thales, who was an astronomer, a mathematician, and a philosopher. Aristotle revered him as the first true philosopher because Thales used reason as opposed to myth and mysticism in an effort to understand the universe. Greek mathematics and philosophy began with Thales, and, therefore, so did Western civilization. Fast forward to 1987. Race hustler Jesse Jackson led about 500 protesters at Stanford University chanting ” hey hey, ho ho, Western civ has got to go!” They were protesting the humanities courses taught at Stanford. They felt the courses lacked “diversity.” And thus, the phenomenon of “multiculturalism” was born. One of the reasons for the current anti-White vitriol in politics and popular culture is the fact that the left equates whiteness with Western civilization and all the products thereof — reason, individualism, liberty, natural rights, capitalism, and constitutionally limited government. These concepts are anathema to the left, and, therefore, we White people are anathema to them as well. In the left we face not only a political ideology which differs from our own, but a cultural sickness which appeals to warped souls. The poisoning of our culture began in schools, universities, and popular culture when young people were taught that their culture, Western culture, was not only outdated, but intrinsically evil. Thus, we find ourselves in a situation where not only has our government been hijacked, but, in large measure, our culture as well. When the Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution, one of the eighteen powers which they allotted the federal government was the power to create laws governing immigration and naturalization. At that time we were a growing country, and immigration was greatly desirable. But the Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, realized that it is the culture of a nation that makes it great, and that the culture of a nation can only be preserved by a wise, strictly enforced selectivity of those allowed into the nation’s borders. It is no accident that Biden ordered construction of the wall on the Mexican border stopped. He and his minions, like Jesse Jackson, would like to see the end of Western civilization and all its wonderful corollaries — freedom, capitalism, individualism, the rule of law, the Constitution. The power-hungry jackals of the left know that they cannot rule over a free, prosperous, proud people, the kind of people engendered by Western civilization. Therefore, to them, in Jesse Jackson’s words, “Western civ has got to go.” The task ahead of us is twofold: we have to take our government back, and we have to restore our culture. Time to wake up, folks. Not only is the enemy at the gates, they are warming themselves at our hearths.


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