White Replacement Theory

Grand replacement theory, or White replacement theory, is scoffed at by some as a far-right fantasy which states that there is a deliberate effort in some quarters to use immigration policies to replace the predominantly White populations of Europe and North America with people of color. Because the suspect in the mass shooting in Buffalo last week mentioned this theory in his rambling “manifesto,” there has been much buzz on the topic in the mainstream media. However, a cursory examination of recent history and leftist utterances shows that not only is White replacement theory real, it is celebrated by the Marxists, the race hustlers, and Democrat weasels desperate for votes.

In 1965, Senator Edward Kennedy sponsored the Immigration Reform Act, which allowed immigration from Third World countries which had hitherto been blocked. Kennedy bragged that this measure would change the electorate of the United States to one more disposed to the Democrat Party. Joe Biden had the same motive when he reversed President Trump’s immigration policies and ordered construction of the border wall stopped.

Self-hating White leftists like Tim Wise openly celebrate White decline. In his “Open Letter to the White Right” Wise taunted us thus:

It is math.

Not even advanced math. Just simple, basic, like 3rd grade math.

The kind of math that proves how your kind — mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like — are dying.”

It is very simple. The left equates Whiteness with Western Civilization, and they want to see us gone. Therefore, we can do one of two things. We can just throw up our hands and let it happen, or we can do something about it. Think about it. In November 2020, they stole a presidential election from us. Then they threw open the southern border. Now they are talking about taking away our guns.

Although the White race comprises only one fifth of the world’s population, there is no force on earth that could overcome us if we stood united. Our forefathers made this world, and without our drive, ingenuity, and love of freedom and individuality, the planet would be a Third World sewer. President Trump was reversing this trend, and that is why the left was so desperate to remove him.

It is time for all White people everywhere to wake up, stand up, and take our civilization back.

1 Comment

  1. Danny says:

    Truer words have not been written


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