Visualize Our Future

Tens of millions of Americans, fed up with ridiculously high gas prices, shortages of goods, inflation, and a wide-open border, descend upon Washington and run the Marxist cabal out. We then have a convention of states to propose Constitutional amendments to reform government, amendments that: limit the terms of congressmen and senators; provide for congressional and state override of Supreme Court decisions; provide for state override of acts of Congress; limit government bureaucracy and regulations; mandate a balanced budget; limit income and corporate taxes to 10%; limit federal intervention in the economy to matters only related to interstate trade; and mandate photo ID for all voters in federal elections. As a result of our reclaimed economic freedom, America prospers like never before. A single breadwinner can support a family, and White women, unburdened economically, do what females do when they do not live in stark conditions: have more offspring.

Further, we close the border and severely restrict immigration; we get the federal government and the teachers unions OUT of public schools; we put an end to federal involvement in welfare programs, and let the state and local governments handle them, thus weeding out the abusers of those systems; we revamp our military and strengthen it to such a degree that Russia, China, Iran or ANYBODY would never dare think of crossing us ever again; we do away with legally sanctioned racial discrimination, i.e., affirmative action and minority quotas in employment and higher education; we drill for oil EVERYWHERE and build more refineries, thus making gasoline so cheap that Detroit starts making muscle cars with big-block engines again; we do away with these insane laws that mandate business owners have to violate their convictions and cater to LBGTQ customers; we proclaim loud and clear, as a matter of law and culture, that there are only two sexes, and marriage is between a man and a woman; we have free trade but fair trade with other countries, and stop allowing other countries to cheat us with one-sided trade regulations and currency manipulations; as an offset for decades of cheating us on trade, stealing our intellectual property, and causing trillions of dollars in losses with the COVID virus, we cancel our national debt with China, and, thus, take a huge step toward paying off the national debt overall.

We can have a veritable paradise here in America if we simply take our country back from the political establishment that we have allowed to steal it from us. And taking it back is not that hard. Our enemies’ nominal leader is a senile old man, his puppet master, Obama, is a Marxist “community organizer” conman whose only skill is playing the system, and his enablers in Congress, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are a couple of pathetic clowns. Once we kick the door in, the whole decrepit house will fall.

This is our country. It was stolen from us. Time to take it back. Salvation is in our hands if we would but take it.

1 Comment

  1. Danny says:

    Very well said


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