Overturning Roe v. Wade

Originally posted December, 2011)

Roe v. Wade could be overturned by the Supreme Court soon. This will not stop the murder of innocent babies, but it will enable each state to make its own laws regulating abortion. Roe v. Wade was an abomination not only against the self-evident right of everyone, including the unborn, to life, but it was an abomination against our Constitution as well. In Roe, the Supreme Court used a convoluted argument about the right to privacy to invent a nonsensical right to abortion that had no basis in the Constitution’s text, the intent of its framers, in judicial precedent, or in any tenet of natural or common law. Roe v. Wade is one of the most flagrant if not the most flagrant instance of the dangerous practice of judge-made law. Our system is not supposed to work that way. Thanks to President Trump we have a conservative majority of Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court who are expected to overturn Roe v. Wade 9 to 3. Perhaps now our nation can get back on the path to sanity and decency. A large measure of the greatness of America is that it was founded on the tenets of natural law. The basic concept of natural law is that there are self-evident principles that supersede any manmade law. Cicero, that greatest of Roman lawyers, defined natural law as “right reason in accord with nature.” In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson stated unequivocally that the rights enumerated therein were derived from “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” Laws so self-evident and so derived cannot be taken away by any man or collective of men. This is the genius of the Declaration of Independence and the unshakeable foundation of the Constitution. In the early days of our republic presidents and lawmakers alike were careful not to take actions or make laws for which there was no basis in the Constitution. We have since strayed far from that path. The Constitution is a barrier to self-important little souls who wish to impose their pet socialistic programs on us deplorables. The road to redemption lies in restoring the rule of law, of the Constitution. Is it not a curious fact that those who cry the loudest for “social justice” are also the most ardent supporters of abortion? Who is more helpless, more in need of protection under the law than an unborn child? Yet those who will take to the streets to protest the death of a thug like George Floyd will with equal enthusiasm uphold the right of a woman to have her unborn child murdered in the womb. It is fitting irony that George Floyd served five years in prison for holding a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman while he robbed her for drug money. Is it not a curious fact that those who support the right to murder an innocent baby are zealous advocates of gun confiscation? These same people who are bemoaning the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself against leftist thugs will condemn with equal passion the Supreme Court’s assertion that there is no right to murder innocent babies. Natural law is wonderous in its simplicity. It does not take a legal scholar to discern the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. All of us can make that distinction. Our nation is going through doldrums at present because there are those among us who have discerned that difference but have consciously chosen evil. It is time that such people be expunged from our government, our schools, our universities, our culture as a whole. Thank God for the Supreme Court and the righteous majority thereon. And thank God President Trump strove so assiduously to broaden the conservative majority of that august body. Someone once said that a society should be judged by how it treats the lowliest of its members. I would amend that by postulating that a society should be judged by its level of concern for the unborn, for they are the future of that society. OVERTURN ROE v. WADE!!!!!Vi

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