White Christian Nationalists

More and more, the phrases “Christian nationalists” and “White Christian nationalists” are being bandied about by the mainstream media and leftist pundits as collective labels for all who oppose them. MSNBC host Joy Reid opined that “Christian nationalism poses a very real threat to American security and social cohesion.” Adrienne Quinn Martin, Democrat Party chairman in Hood County, Texas, proclaimed, “White Christian nationalism has to be defeated, there is no middle ground.”

What then, in the left’s view, is a Christian nationalist? Conservative radio host Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish, nailed it when he said, “Apparently, if you believe in school prayer, traditional marriage, protecting the lives of the unborn, and biological sex, you might be a Christian nationalist.”

The left has always conflated Christianity and Whiteness with Western Civilization and all the wonderful products thereof — rationalism, liberty, individualism, the rule of law, capitalism, and its crown jewel, America itself. All of these things are anathema to the left. Thus, now that they sense a reawakening of traditional Americanism spurred by the stolen election and the insane depredations of the Biden regime, they have, in desperation, revealed their true fears in their choice of the rubric under which they categorize us.

Some of the claims leftists make about White Christian nationalism are self-contradictory. On one hand they view it as the desperate “dying gasp” of the older generation, of “White, Christian and mainly rural Americans who are becoming a minority group and want to maintain their political power.” On the other hand they stress how dangerous it is. Leftist author Jamar Tisby sees White Christian nationalism as the greatest threat to “future democracy in the United States.” He asserts: “From the Buffalo massacre, to the great replacement theory, to efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade, all of these seemingly unrelated crises have connections to white Christian nationalism.”

Not surprisingly, leftists see Donald Trump as a central figure in the White Christian nationalism movement. They particularly harp on the January 6 Capitol incursion and Trump’s continuing efforts to challenge the stolen 2020 election.

Far from eschewing the label White Christian nationalist, we patriots should embrace it. Like all people, we White people are not perfect. But we have contributed far more than any other race to human civilization. Christianity, at base, is the affirmation of the sacredness of the individual. This one principal is the basis of natural law, which in turn is the basis of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Nations form when people of of a common culture and geographic location define their borders and their laws. Not only is America — and should remain — a distinct nation, it is an exceptional nation. If America is lost, the world is lost.

Therefore, I wish to thank the leftists who coined the phrase “White Christian nationalist.” I know you meant it as a term of derision, but I accept it as an apt description of what I am, as a mark of pride. And I promise you that your worst fears will come about. We will win, we will reclaim our nation, and we will cure the sickness you have visited upon it.

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