The Racial Con

In Statesboro, Georgia a trial is going on that, if race had not been involved, would have been settled long ago. The evidence clearly shows that Marc Wilson, in a fit of road rage, fired his 9 mm pistol at the backglass of a truck that was moving away from him, killing seventeen-year-old Haley Hutcheson, who was seated in the middle of the back crew-cab seat. The evidence also clearly shows that Wilson fled the scene, tried to cover up the crime, was evasive with police when he was discovered, and then cried racism. Marc Wilson is black and the people in the truck that night were White. He claimed he was the victim of a racial attack, but all we have to go on is his word. Without the race card, Wilson would have been in prison over a year ago.

Why do so many White people fall for the racial con? First of all, the con has the backing of the federal government. If you own a business, one of your worries is always that a disgruntled black employee will tie you up in an anti-discrimination suit. If you work in law enforcement, if you kill a black person in the line of duty and are found not guilty in a state court, you can be retried in a federal court for a civil rights violation related to the same incident. If you are a judge in a trial and you make a decision that goes adversely against a black lawyer or a black defendant, you get accused of racism, and that always raises the specter of federal investigation. If you are in the military, you walk on eggshells adhering to the guidelines concerning race. If you are a lickspittle office seeker, you pander to the black vote.

Further, the racial con is taught in public schools to impressionable children. Multiculturalism, white privilege, Critical Race Theory, political correctness — all are part of the racial con. If you go on to college, the racial con is further instilled. Anti-White indoctrination is further foisted on us in movies, television shows, even commercials. It seems like every couple in commercials these days are mixed race couples. The message is clear: White is bad, is evil, and we owe black people some huge debt.

At the Marc Wilson trial, when things were not going well for Francys Johnson, Wilson’s black lead attorney, even though he is bound by a gag order on this case, he told a crowd of people outside the courtroom that the judge was bias. When the judge ruled against Wilson in a previous hearing and recently refused to allow live streaming of the trial, one of Johnson’s associates accused the judge of racism on social media.

Supporters of Wilson are planning a “caravan” of protesters to come from Atlanta to Statesboro in hopes of influencing the outcome of the trial. In other words, they are trying to pull the racial con on the jury.

It is very simple. When we finally run the weasels out of Washington, we need to repeal all the laws that give a special legal status to blacks; we need to take back our school boards and universities and jettison anyone who teaches anti-White drivel; we need to teach our children not to be swayed by the racial con; and when a black criminal commits a crime, treat him like anyone else.

Francys Johnson has hinted that Wilson will take the stand and claim that someone in the truck called him a nigger. And that is supposed to induce the jury to excuse him for murdering a young girl with her whole life ahead of her?

Break the spell, folks. Break the racial spell that has been cast on you. We have nothing to apologize for, nothing to atone for, no debt to repay. And when enough White people understand that, the race hustlers cannot play the racial con any more.

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