Enough Is Enough

When is enough enough? At what point are the people legally, morally, and reasonably justified in reclaiming their country from usurpers in government? Thomas Jefferson answered this question in the Declaration of Independence:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

The Biden regime is nothing but a long train of abuses against the Constitution, the American people, and common sense itself. The federal government itself long ago began a series of extra-constitutional usurpations of power that have resulted in a tyrannical monstrosity that would be unrecognizable to the Founding Fathers. Friends and neighbors, the train of abuses committed by our federal government is more than long enough to warrant a thorough, immediate correction.

The truckers have shown the way. It is time for all of us, from all walks of life, to go to Washington and demand that the illegitimate Biden regime step down. As Jefferson instructed us, it is not only our right, it is our duty.

Enough is enough.

Real Civil Rights and Race Hustlers

Eric Hoffer, who wrote “The True Believer,” the seminal book on mass movements, cogently noted that mass movements begin as holy crusades, then become a business, then a racket. Nowhere is this more evident than in the history of the civil rights movement.

Consider Thurgood Marshall, the civil rights attorney who argued a record thirty-two cases before the Supreme Court, winning twenty-nine of them, including the landmark Brown v. Board of Education. Marshall pursued civil rights the old fashioned way — by invoking the Constitution. Ultimately, he became a Supreme Court justice himself.

Contrast him with the so-called civil rights attorneys of today, people who enrich themselves by representing the families of thugs in wrongful death suits against police, who grab headlines by getting involved in racially charged cases but who stand mute about black on black crime, and, as is happening right here in Statesboro, Georgia, aggrandize themselves over the death of a teenaged girl who happened to be killed by a black man,

I just wonder what Thurgood Marshall would have to say to these slimy race hustlers.

Update on Marc Wilson Case 3/5

Marc Wilson is out of jail on $100,000 bond after murdering a teenaged girl in a fit of road rage. Among other groups contributing to his defense fund is A Just Georgia and Black Voters Matter, and the ad hoc group Justice for Marc Wilson. Hopefully, he will not be out of jail long. His trial starts April 18. But no matter how this drawn-out affair ends, Wilson’s race-hustling attorneys will be much richer and receive much more free publicity. After all, that is what this really is all about.

There is big money in exploiting racially charged incidents. Wilson’s lawyers Francys Johnson and Mawuli Davis seem to pop up whenever there is an officer involved shooting or tazeing of a black person by a White policeman in these parts. When State Trooper Jacob Thompson killed black scofflaw Julian Davis in self-defense in Sylvania in 2020, Johnson and Davis organized demonstrations, clamored for a second grand jury hearing after Thompson was cleared by the first grand jury, and encouraged Lewis’s family to file a $13 million dollar lawsuit against the state of Georgia. For some reason, now another law firm is representing the Lewis family in that endeavor. Maybe the Lewis family found a law firm that did not want as big a percentage of the booty as Johnson and Davis.

Marc Wilson happens to be half-black. After he fled the scene and had a few days to concoct a story, he offered a narrative about a truckload of drunken White teenagers screaming racial epithets at him and his White girlfriend and trying to run them off the road. The only problem with this narrative is that no one other than Wilson relates hearing such epithets. But this did not stop Johnson and Davis from making race the center of their self-defense strategy. Outside the courtroom during the recent immunity hearing, two witnesses heard Johnson coach a witness to get on the stand and testify that one of the boys in the truck she knew was a racist. The only problem, as pointed out on cross examination, was that this particular boy had black friends and a black roommate.

With all the monetary largesse the Wilson legal team is getting from people swayed by race, the team has swelled to four lawyers, one of whom is former assistant district attorney Martha Hall. Perhaps Johnson and Davis felt they needed a more competent hand in what is really a straightforward case: a young man, Marc Wilson, lost his temper when at least one other young man, in a case of mistaken identity, waved and shouted at his girlfriend, and Wilson pulled out a 9mm pistol and started shooting; he fled the scene and told his girlfriend not to tell anyone what happened; when the incident was revealed by a friend of the girlfriend and Wilson was interviewed by police, he was evasive, refusing to give his narrative unless the police revealed what they already knew; when his cover-up started to unravel, he broke down and told his mother “I’m in trouble,” not “I killed an innocent girl,” but “I’m in trouble.” Think about that.

Marc Wilson, however this ends, your lawyers will be richer and their public exposure will be well enhanced, race-hustlers everywhere will have one more thing to gripe or crow about, and Haley Hutcheson, the girl you murdered, will still be in the grave. During the next six weeks of your semi-freedom, sitting in the nice home of your parents there off of Old Georgia 16, contemplating your ankle bracelet and the coming trial, ponder these points: during the immunity hearing, your attorneys called ten witnesses, but did not call you. You were not man enough to get on that witness stand and look the judge and the prosecutors and your family and Haley Hutcheson’s family members in the eye and state your case. And the reason for that is your attorneys knew that the prosecution would tie you up in knots on cross examination using your own lies.

Enjoy the next six weeks, young man, if your conscience lets you. We’ll see you at trial. And by the way, contemplate this picture of the teenaged girl you murdered.




Our Worst Problem

The Russian invasion of the Ukraine underscores our biggest problem as a race: we fight among ourselves. White people have always been a minority on the planet overall. Dwindling birthrates among Whites, coupled with Muslim immigration in Europe, Russia included, will make White people a minority there within a hundred years. Simply put, we White people cannot afford to kill one another.

The first thing Joe Biden did after his handlers stole the election for him was to stop construction on the border wall. Marxists, progressives, liberals, leftists — whatever you want to call them — want to see White people a minority in America. They equate Whiteness with Western civilization, and all the the things it stands for — freedom, individualism, capitalism, reason, and the rule of law. They hate all these things, and, therefore, they hate the White race. It is no accident that White liberals tend to be pathetic little misfits like Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi, or sociopathic crooks like Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.

White people need to wake up and take an unapologetic, bold, militant pride in our race. We need to recognize that we are one, great race with a common origin. We need to stop fighting among ourselves. We need to unite.

White lives created Western civilization. As insane as it sounds, that is why so many people demonize us.

Time to wake up, folks.

Update on Marc Wilson Case

Tomorrow at 9AM the Marc Wilson immunity hearing begins anew with a new judge in Statesboro, Georgia. In June 2020, in a fit of road rage, Marc Wilson, pictured below, shot teenager Haley Hutcheson, pictured below, in the back of the head when he shot through the back glass of a truck in which she was a passenger. At least one other passenger in the truck, a teenaged boy, had mistaken Wilson’s girlfriend for someone he knew and waved and yelled at her, prompting Wilson to open fire. Wilson’s girlfriend initially testified that Wilson thought someone in the truck was her former boyfriend. Wilson then fled Statesboro, did not report the incident, and neither did his girlfriend, Emma Rigdon. However, Rigdon did tell a friend what happened, and this friend urged her to report the incident. Rigdon declined. The friend then notified Statesboro police, who then contacted Rigdon and Wilson, after which Wilson turned himself in.

Enter the race hustlers Francys Johnson and Mawuli Davis, two self-described civil rights attorneys who, among other racially charged matters, specialize in police-involved shootings of black people. Suddenly this murder is not about a young man who lost his temper, but about a poor, persecuted black boy who was defending himself against a truck full of drunk White men who were shouting racial epithets and trying to run him off the road. According to this narrative, Wilson “held his ground” and defended himself and his girlfriend.

There are several problems with this narrative. Wilson claimed he only shot warning shots below the truck’s rear. The shot that killed Haley went through the center of the back glass. Wilson claims the boys in the truck were shouting racial epithets. Rigdon initially said she did not hear any such thing. She also testified that “Marc got mad and started shooting. I told him not to.” She later changed her story to fit the racial narrative, and showed up at the first immunity hearing represented by counsel, who coached her answers from the gallery while she was on the witness stand until the judge saw what was happening and made the attorney move out of her line of sight. Wilson’s attorneys subpoenaed the teenaged boys who had been in the truck and asked them on the stand if they had animus toward blacks. Two of them, including the driver of the truck, testified that they had black friends. One of them even had a black roommate. Further, there is video evidence that at one point Wilson sped up to catch up the truck, negating his claim of “stand your ground.” He also testified that he started shooting after something struck his vehicle, but there was no damage found on it.

Wilson’s attorneys Francys Johnson and Mawuli Davis tried to stir up racial animus against State Trooper Jacob Thompson of Sylvania when he shot a black man in self-defense. They tried to organize a “caravan” of 600 protestors to come to Sylvania and Statesboro and clamor for “justice.” The 100 protestors who did show up were met by local militia members who made it clear that south Georgia is not Minneapolis or Portland. Later, Trooper Thompson was no-billed by a grand jury.

We must not let race hustlers pervert our criminal justice system and use it as a publicity stunt and money-making enterprise. Friends and neighbors, do not lose sight of what this case is about. It is about a young man who could not control his temper when he thought someone was trying to get the attention of his girlfriend. Johnson and Davis have already tried to game the system by making public pronouncements about this case in violation of a gag order. I have brought this to the attention of the court. Hopefully these shysters will be dealt with by the court. Johnson is still facing a contempt of court charge for a stunt he pulled in the first, aborted immunity hearing.

Please pay attention to what is happening, friends and neighbors. The race hustlers want to stir up social upheaval here in Statesboro. Let’s show them that Statesboro is not Minneapolis.

Justice for Haley Hutcheson!

Common Sense

The truckers are going to Washington. Think what an effect it would have on the effete Washington establishment if the bikers, the militiamen, military retirees, the entrepreneurs who lost their businesses during the pandemic, law enforcement professionals, unemployed pipeline workers, and just plain patriotic, decent Americans who are sick of Biden and his Marxist enablers showed up with them. There would be enough people there to demand that Biden and the whole sorry crew step down.

There is no force on earth that can withstand the might of the American people — the real American people. Remember how the senators of both parties cowered behind their desks during the so-called occupation of the Capitol? That was a mere prank. If they even dreamed that a real occupation was about to occur, they would flee like the vermin they are.

If Biden, Harris, and Pelosi resigned, Charles Grassley, the president pro tempore of the Senate, would be next in line in the presidential succession. He could then name Donald Trump as vice president, and we the people would demand that Trump be approved by the remaining members of the House and the Senate. After that, Grassley would step down, leaving Trump president, saving our country, and restoring the Constitution.

It does not require a political scientist to see what is needed. It requires common sense. That is something truck drivers have in abundance, and that is why they are spearheading the march on Washington. The Washington establishment sees what is happening, That is why 700 National Guardsmen have been called out. What does that tell you?

What will it take? Five dollar a gallon gas, ten dollars a gallon? A million more illegal aliens in our country, ten million more? A supply chain so disrupted that a new pickup truck costs seventy, eighty thousand dollars? A million or so more people losing their jobs because they refuse to be vaccinated? Twenty percent inflation?

We do not have to wait for any of that to happen if we will but stand up and go to Washington.

It is very simple.

Where’s the Outrage?

In 2019, long before the Arbery incident, Tate Prezzano, pictured below in the white hat, a UGA student and lacrosse player, was standing at the bus stop in Athens one morning on his way to class. Zarren Garner, also pictured below, approached him and pumped three bullets into his head and neck. Miraculously, Prezzano survived, Garner was arrested, and, ultimately found guilty of aggravated assault and armed robbery and sentenced to fifty years in prison.

George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, two thugs, in the meantime, have been canonized by the left, and the men railroaded for their deaths are serving life in prison and charged with federal hate crimes besides. But where is the outrage over what Garner did? Why did he not face a federal hate crime trial?

Here in Statesboro there is a trial coming up in which a young Black man, Marc Wilson, shot a seventeen-year-old White girl in the back of the head. The man’s mother testified at his bond hearing that when he told her about it, he fell down crying and said, “I’m in trouble.” Consider that. He did not say, “I killed a teenaged girl and I’m sick over it,” he said, “I’m in trouble.” Now, Wilson’s attorneys are playing the race card, saying that this arose out of a racial incident. According to them, Wilson is the victim. In addition, the family of Haley Hutcheson, the murdered girl, received threats on social media from Wilson’s supporters.

To all of you in Bulloch County and environs, let’s make sure that Wilson’s race hustling attorneys do not prevail, do not sell the narrative to the mainstream media that Wilson is innocent in an effort to bring public pressure on the judge and jury in this case.

Pay attention to the case as it unfolds, let your voices be heard. A gag order was issued in the Wilson case prohibiting the attorneys and witnesses involved from making public statements, but Wilson’s lead attorney, Francys Johnson, has violated this order. The prosecution has been made aware of this, and hopefully his shenanigans will be dealt with.

This double standard the press has for black thugs and White victims needs to cease. And Statesboro is the place where it will stop if I have anything to do with it.

Update on Marc Wilson Case

Just a reminder that the recusal hearing related to the Marc Wilson case resumes tomorrow, January 25th, at 9:30am at the Bulloch County Superior Court in Statesboro. I will be there to show support for the family of Haley Hutcheson, the seventeen-year-old girl who Marc Wilson murdered in a fit of road rage, and is now trying to cry racism. More and more, it looks like Wilson’s attorneys, not up to the task of trying a capital murder case, are resorting to publicity stunts to try to win this case. I just want all the good people of Bulloch County to know what is really going on in this case. Statesboro can be the place where America finally says no to the race hustlers who use our criminal justice system to grab headlines and enrich themselves in the bargain.

As became apparent in the aborted immunity hearing for Wilson, this case was never about race. A teenaged boy mistook Wilson’s girlfriend for someone he knew, yelled something at her from the truck in which he was a passenger, Wilson got mad and started shooting, in the process shooting Haley Hutcheson in the back of the head. Wilson needs to pay for what he did, and poses an obvious danger to the public.

Wilson is being represented by two race hustling attorneys who show up like flies around manure in every racially-tinged case they can. Francys Johnson and Mawuli Davis are trying to aggrandize themselves over the blood of a seventeen-year-old girl. I am determined to expose them for the vultures they are. I hope that you will join me at the Bulloch County Superior Court in Statesboro tomorrow at 9:30 to show support for Haley’s family, and to show these race-hustling vultures that we as a community are aware of what they are trying to pull.

Race hustlers Johnson and Davis:

Monetary Policy 101

The policy for maintaining a sound currency is expressed in the simple yet elegant equation m x v = p x q, where m = the total dollars in the economy, v= the number of times each dollar is exchanged in an economic transaction, p = the total of the prices of all the goods and services in the economy, and q = the total of all the goods and services in the economy. If m is increased and and v and q remain the same, p increases as well. If m goes up and q goes down, p increases all the more. This is what is known as inflation. And this is what is happening right before our eyes as a result of the idiotic policies of Biden and his puppet master Barack Hussein Obama.

As long as there are productive, creative hardworking people willing to trade in a free market there will be prosperity UNLESS government interferes in the process in some way. Manipulating the currency supply in order to buy votes with hare-brained government programs is one of the most egregious ways government can interfere in the natural free market process. Other ways is by imposing burdensome taxes, constricting regulations, and allowing other countries — such as China — to get away with unfair trade practices.

If Joe Biden and his ilk were deliberating trying to ruin our economy, indeed, ruin our very country, they could not be doing a better job. And perhaps that is exactly what they are trying to do. After all, the Democrat party has been hijacked by Marxists, chief among them Barack Hussein Obama. These people loathe capitalism, have utter disdain for America and her Constitution, and would like to see us diminished on the world stage. We could have undreamt of prosperity in this country if government would just get out of the way of the producers, the creators, the workers. Instead, these effete elitists in Washington block us and burden us at every turn. It is high time for a change, folks. High time.

The Abuse and Misuse of Christianity

Whatever one believes about the specific tenets of Christianity, whether one subscribes wholly to the literal truth of scripture, this much is true: Christianity teaches the sacredness of the individual, forgiveness, redemption, rebirth, community, and decency. When low creatures attack Christianity, they are not so much attacking a belief in a divine Christ, but these basic tenets of his teachings. It is no accident that those who mock and belittle Christianity tend to be on the left of the political spectrum.

But there are also those who misuse Christianity for monetary gain. We are all familiar with huckster preachers who enrich themselves at the expense of the insecure and the gullible. But even more alarming are those so-called preachers who use the pulpit to further their political agendas. Martin Luther King was such a man. A disbeliever in the literal truth of the Bible, he still became a Baptist minister in order to advance his social activist agenda. Even more egregious, he used both religion and the civil rights movement to promote Marxist ideas. A serial adulterer and a a woman beater in the bargain, King was the worst kind of hypocrite.

Spawned by Kings example were race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Jeremiah Wright. For twenty years the latter, who famously shouted from the pulpit “God **** America!,” was Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor.

On June 6, 2020 the residents of Statesboro, Georgia beheld the incredible spectacle of a man who is both an ordained minister and a lawyer give a speech to an audience which had among it women and children in which he repeatedly used the f-word. The climax of the speech came when he tried to incite the crowd of 300 people to tear down the Confederate monument on the courthouse grounds. Wisely, his listeners declined his exhortation.

Among our Founding Fathers were men who had doubts about some of the tenets of Christianity, but revered it, defended it, and advocated it nonetheless. Christianity, and its promotion of the sacredness of life, compassion, and decency is an essential ingredient of the cement which holds together Western civilization. We should have nothing but scorn for those who misuse and abuse this sublime creed.

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