The Natural Right of Self Defense

Twice now I have been restricted from Facebook for making posts that assert that business owners, law enforcement officers, National Guardsmen, and private citizens should have the right to use deadly force against robbers, looters, and rioters. This is only common sense. Why would Facebook be opposed to this concept? I realize that Facebook’s ownership has a liberal slant, but why would it be a liberal position that deadly force could not be used against lawlessness? After all, it certainly is not a liberal position that deadly force cannot be used against an unborn baby.

The answer is obvious. Smash and grab robberies, flash mobs, looting, and rioting are by far committed by black people. Just this past week in Buffalo, New York we saw the phenomenon of black looters taking advantage of a severe blizzard to loot stores. The mainstream media ignored this. Black criminality is, in the leftist view of things, a natural reaction to centuries of White oppression. In their view, we should just let it slide. And black criminals are taking full advantage of this attitude.

Until society as a whole wakes up and sanctions common-sense notions of self defense, black crime is going to get worse and worse. Consider Buffalo. The looting there was precipitated by a blizzard, not a police-involved shooting of a black person. In 1977 in New York City, wide-spread looting started almost immediately after a massive power blackout. Flash-mob looting occurs spontaneously under ordinary circumstances.

America has bent over backwards to redress past injustices against black people. Thirty trillion dollars has been spent on welfare, public housing, Medicaid, food stamps, and job training programs. Affirmative action, anti discrimination laws, minority set-asides for government contracts and other special treatment for blacks is the norm. But still black mobs rob and rape and loot and riot and destroy. And decent people, afraid of prosecution by the law that is supposed to protect them, are afraid to use deadly force to protect their property, their communities, their homes.

I think this is going to change. Common sense has a way of reasserting itself even in insane times. In the meantime, those of you have not done so already, get a gun and learn how to use it.

Final – I Hope – Update on the Marc Wilson Case

Marc Wilson sits in prison in Forsythe, Georgia at the Burruss Correctional Training Center, sentenced to ten years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. Seven of the jurors wanted to covict him of voluntary manslaughter, which would have carried a mandatory life sentence. Five jurors fell for the racial con and wanted a light sentence or an acquittal. The involuntary manslaughter verdict was a compromise. Kudos to Judge Ronnie Thompson for not compromising on the sentence. He gave that back-shooting, lying, cowardly thug Marc Wilson the maximum sentence under law. The defense even asked for for first offender status, which would have meant Wilson would not have had a felony on his record. But Thompson did not give in to political pressure like the judges in the Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd cases. He held his ground. And for that he has been called a racist by Wilson’s race-hustling attorneys and supporters.

Marc Wilson, if he survives prison, will still be a young man when he is released. He may even get parole, God forbid. But let us never forget Haley Hutcheson, the seventeen-year-old girl who Wilson killed in a fit of road rage. Let us not forget that Wilson fired his 9 mm pistol, a new toy he had had less than two months, when someone in the truck in which Haley was a passenger yelled something at Wilson’s girlfriend in a case of mistaken identity. Talking like a gangsta’ wannabe, Wilson told the police later that “I grabbed my piece and fired a warning shot” because he thought the people in the truck “had a piece too.” He then ran like a rat, deleted the geo-tracking info on his phone, and instructed his girlfriend to do the same.

Kudos to the Statesboro police for doing an excellent investigation. Shame on Wilson’s legal team for calling this a “legal lynching.” Let us hope that the prosecutors in this case will show up at Wilson’s parole hearings and argue passionately against letting this murderer loose. Because that is exactly what he is: a murderer. He tried to use race to wiggle out of his crime, and in a way succeeded. Ten years is not enough for what he did.

Hopefully this is the last time I have to report on this case. But I fear it is not. I will perhaps need to speak out in about a year from now when Wilson becomes eligible for parole.

Believe me. I will be watching.

Why We Revere The Confederacy

Here in my hometown of Statesboro, Georgia the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans meets in a banquent room of a local restaurant every third Thursday of each month. During our December meeting the manager on duty at the restaurant, a black woman, barged into the banquent room and told us that corporate headquarters had informed her that meetings of any sort were no longer allowed. I called corporate headquarters later and found out this was a lie. The manager on duty did not like what we stood for and wanted to get rid of us.

One of the things we stand for is the protection of the Confederate monument in Statesboro. When a BLM crowd threatened to tear it down in 2020, we stood armed in front of it. Later that year, when black activists tried to get the county commission to put a “contextual marker” next to the monument explaining that it represented “white superemacy,” we spoke at the commission meeting against that proposal and it was defeated. As I stated in my remarks at that meeting, the reason the Confederates fought was very simple: their homeland was being invaded and raped by Union soldiers. I reminded those present that the reason the radical left hates Confederate monuments with such intensity is that they wish there to be no reminder that there is a breed of men who will stand up and fight against a tyrannical federal government that has overstepped its Constitutional bounds.

But why did Lincoln order the invasion of the South? It was not to free the slaves. He stated explicitly in his first inaugural address that he had no intention of doing so. However, he also made it clear that he would use force to secure the tariff revenue collected at Southern ports. At that time the federal government was funded by tariffs, most of which came through Soputhern ports. In other words Lincoln launched and prosecuted our bloodiest war, in which over 650,000 Americans were killed, not to save the union and not to free the slaves, but to keep the federal government from going broke.

Our Confederate ancestors went through four years of unimaginable hell to protect their homeland. Nine out of ten of them did not own slaves. They did what anyone of worth would do when invaded by a foreign power: they fought. They would have been proud in 2020 when a BLM mob threatened to come to Sylvania and Statesboro and wreak havoc after a black thug was killed by a state trooper, and militia groups — their ancestors — strapped on their AR-15’s and took to the streets, and the would-be rioters and looters marched quietly and then fled.

Never, never forget the sacrifices our Confederate ancestors made for us, and why they made them. The Biden regime, in power by means of a stolen election, is working to ruin our country. This is not what our Confederate ancestors fought for, nor what our Revolutionary War ancestors fought for either. We are heirs to a great culture. We need to honor it.

The Racial Con

In Statesboro, Georgia a trial is going on that, if race had not been involved, would have been settled long ago. The evidence clearly shows that Marc Wilson, in a fit of road rage, fired his 9 mm pistol at the backglass of a truck that was moving away from him, killing seventeen-year-old Haley Hutcheson, who was seated in the middle of the back crew-cab seat. The evidence also clearly shows that Wilson fled the scene, tried to cover up the crime, was evasive with police when he was discovered, and then cried racism. Marc Wilson is black and the people in the truck that night were White. He claimed he was the victim of a racial attack, but all we have to go on is his word. Without the race card, Wilson would have been in prison over a year ago.

Why do so many White people fall for the racial con? First of all, the con has the backing of the federal government. If you own a business, one of your worries is always that a disgruntled black employee will tie you up in an anti-discrimination suit. If you work in law enforcement, if you kill a black person in the line of duty and are found not guilty in a state court, you can be retried in a federal court for a civil rights violation related to the same incident. If you are a judge in a trial and you make a decision that goes adversely against a black lawyer or a black defendant, you get accused of racism, and that always raises the specter of federal investigation. If you are in the military, you walk on eggshells adhering to the guidelines concerning race. If you are a lickspittle office seeker, you pander to the black vote.

Further, the racial con is taught in public schools to impressionable children. Multiculturalism, white privilege, Critical Race Theory, political correctness — all are part of the racial con. If you go on to college, the racial con is further instilled. Anti-White indoctrination is further foisted on us in movies, television shows, even commercials. It seems like every couple in commercials these days are mixed race couples. The message is clear: White is bad, is evil, and we owe black people some huge debt.

At the Marc Wilson trial, when things were not going well for Francys Johnson, Wilson’s black lead attorney, even though he is bound by a gag order on this case, he told a crowd of people outside the courtroom that the judge was bias. When the judge ruled against Wilson in a previous hearing and recently refused to allow live streaming of the trial, one of Johnson’s associates accused the judge of racism on social media.

Supporters of Wilson are planning a “caravan” of protesters to come from Atlanta to Statesboro in hopes of influencing the outcome of the trial. In other words, they are trying to pull the racial con on the jury.

It is very simple. When we finally run the weasels out of Washington, we need to repeal all the laws that give a special legal status to blacks; we need to take back our school boards and universities and jettison anyone who teaches anti-White drivel; we need to teach our children not to be swayed by the racial con; and when a black criminal commits a crime, treat him like anyone else.

Francys Johnson has hinted that Wilson will take the stand and claim that someone in the truck called him a nigger. And that is supposed to induce the jury to excuse him for murdering a young girl with her whole life ahead of her?

Break the spell, folks. Break the racial spell that has been cast on you. We have nothing to apologize for, nothing to atone for, no debt to repay. And when enough White people understand that, the race hustlers cannot play the racial con any more.

Update on the Marc Wilson Trial 8/25

Stalling, stalling, stalling at every turn. Francys Johnson knows he does not have a case so he stalls, makes baseless objections and nonsensical motions. But the truth is coming out: Marc Wilson shot at the truck from behind and killed Haley Hutcheson. Today the GBI forensic medical examiner testified and Haley’s autopsy photos were shown in court. Haley’s family had to sit and endure that spectacle.

Later, out in the hall, Francys Johnson complained to all who listened that the judge was biased and was out to “railroad” his client. He looked over at me and told his retinue that when all of this is over he is going to sue me for defamation. To that I say: go for it. I welcome the chance to show in court what a low-down race hustler he is.

As a public figure, in order to show defamation he has to prove actual malice, deliberate falsehood presented as fact, at least negligence, and actual damages. I can back up everything I have ever posted about him, and even if I could not, he has not suffered any damages. Due to the Marc Wilson cash cow fed by several fund-raising sites, Johnson is as rich as ever.

He is using this racially charged case to grandstand and rake in the green. And when it’s all over, everyone will finally see him for what he is. And I have a few things to discuss about him with the court, the prosecutors, and the Georgia bar association.

More to come. Justice for Haley Hutcheson!

Update on the Marc Wilson Case 8/16

My sources tell me that the plea bargain offered Marc Wilson by the prosecution was fifteen years in prison. The defense asked for first offender status, which would have given Wilson a clean record after serving his sentence. However, unless they are totally incompetent, the defense team must have known that the charges against Wilson — felony murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon — are not eligible under the first offender statute. Therefore, as of this writing, it looks as though they are going to take their chances at trial. Tomorrow is the deadline for accepting the plea.

It is not hard to figure out what the defense is thinking. They are hoping to get enough blacks on the jury to get a hung jury, in which case Wilson has to be retried and is free on bond in the interim. Or, they may want to see how the trial progresses. Once it starts going against them, they may ask for a plea deal. However, the DA at that point may up the ante from fifteen years.

Either way, if it goes to trial, we have to show up to show support for Haley’s family, the prosecution, and the jury itself. The race hustlers have been spouting off on social media that this is a racial justice cause. They hope to draw protestors and big name race hustlers like Al Sharpton to the trial to intimidate the jurors. We need to have our own people there.

New updates will be forthcoming.

Overturning Roe v. Wade

Originally posted December, 2011)

Roe v. Wade could be overturned by the Supreme Court soon. This will not stop the murder of innocent babies, but it will enable each state to make its own laws regulating abortion. Roe v. Wade was an abomination not only against the self-evident right of everyone, including the unborn, to life, but it was an abomination against our Constitution as well. In Roe, the Supreme Court used a convoluted argument about the right to privacy to invent a nonsensical right to abortion that had no basis in the Constitution’s text, the intent of its framers, in judicial precedent, or in any tenet of natural or common law. Roe v. Wade is one of the most flagrant if not the most flagrant instance of the dangerous practice of judge-made law. Our system is not supposed to work that way. Thanks to President Trump we have a conservative majority of Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court who are expected to overturn Roe v. Wade 9 to 3. Perhaps now our nation can get back on the path to sanity and decency. A large measure of the greatness of America is that it was founded on the tenets of natural law. The basic concept of natural law is that there are self-evident principles that supersede any manmade law. Cicero, that greatest of Roman lawyers, defined natural law as “right reason in accord with nature.” In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson stated unequivocally that the rights enumerated therein were derived from “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” Laws so self-evident and so derived cannot be taken away by any man or collective of men. This is the genius of the Declaration of Independence and the unshakeable foundation of the Constitution. In the early days of our republic presidents and lawmakers alike were careful not to take actions or make laws for which there was no basis in the Constitution. We have since strayed far from that path. The Constitution is a barrier to self-important little souls who wish to impose their pet socialistic programs on us deplorables. The road to redemption lies in restoring the rule of law, of the Constitution. Is it not a curious fact that those who cry the loudest for “social justice” are also the most ardent supporters of abortion? Who is more helpless, more in need of protection under the law than an unborn child? Yet those who will take to the streets to protest the death of a thug like George Floyd will with equal enthusiasm uphold the right of a woman to have her unborn child murdered in the womb. It is fitting irony that George Floyd served five years in prison for holding a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman while he robbed her for drug money. Is it not a curious fact that those who support the right to murder an innocent baby are zealous advocates of gun confiscation? These same people who are bemoaning the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself against leftist thugs will condemn with equal passion the Supreme Court’s assertion that there is no right to murder innocent babies. Natural law is wonderous in its simplicity. It does not take a legal scholar to discern the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. All of us can make that distinction. Our nation is going through doldrums at present because there are those among us who have discerned that difference but have consciously chosen evil. It is time that such people be expunged from our government, our schools, our universities, our culture as a whole. Thank God for the Supreme Court and the righteous majority thereon. And thank God President Trump strove so assiduously to broaden the conservative majority of that august body. Someone once said that a society should be judged by how it treats the lowliest of its members. I would amend that by postulating that a society should be judged by its level of concern for the unborn, for they are the future of that society. OVERTURN ROE v. WADE!!!!!Vi

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White Christian Nationalists

More and more, the phrases “Christian nationalists” and “White Christian nationalists” are being bandied about by the mainstream media and leftist pundits as collective labels for all who oppose them. MSNBC host Joy Reid opined that “Christian nationalism poses a very real threat to American security and social cohesion.” Adrienne Quinn Martin, Democrat Party chairman in Hood County, Texas, proclaimed, “White Christian nationalism has to be defeated, there is no middle ground.”

What then, in the left’s view, is a Christian nationalist? Conservative radio host Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish, nailed it when he said, “Apparently, if you believe in school prayer, traditional marriage, protecting the lives of the unborn, and biological sex, you might be a Christian nationalist.”

The left has always conflated Christianity and Whiteness with Western Civilization and all the wonderful products thereof — rationalism, liberty, individualism, the rule of law, capitalism, and its crown jewel, America itself. All of these things are anathema to the left. Thus, now that they sense a reawakening of traditional Americanism spurred by the stolen election and the insane depredations of the Biden regime, they have, in desperation, revealed their true fears in their choice of the rubric under which they categorize us.

Some of the claims leftists make about White Christian nationalism are self-contradictory. On one hand they view it as the desperate “dying gasp” of the older generation, of “White, Christian and mainly rural Americans who are becoming a minority group and want to maintain their political power.” On the other hand they stress how dangerous it is. Leftist author Jamar Tisby sees White Christian nationalism as the greatest threat to “future democracy in the United States.” He asserts: “From the Buffalo massacre, to the great replacement theory, to efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade, all of these seemingly unrelated crises have connections to white Christian nationalism.”

Not surprisingly, leftists see Donald Trump as a central figure in the White Christian nationalism movement. They particularly harp on the January 6 Capitol incursion and Trump’s continuing efforts to challenge the stolen 2020 election.

Far from eschewing the label White Christian nationalist, we patriots should embrace it. Like all people, we White people are not perfect. But we have contributed far more than any other race to human civilization. Christianity, at base, is the affirmation of the sacredness of the individual. This one principal is the basis of natural law, which in turn is the basis of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Nations form when people of of a common culture and geographic location define their borders and their laws. Not only is America — and should remain — a distinct nation, it is an exceptional nation. If America is lost, the world is lost.

Therefore, I wish to thank the leftists who coined the phrase “White Christian nationalist.” I know you meant it as a term of derision, but I accept it as an apt description of what I am, as a mark of pride. And I promise you that your worst fears will come about. We will win, we will reclaim our nation, and we will cure the sickness you have visited upon it.

Visualize Our Future

Tens of millions of Americans, fed up with ridiculously high gas prices, shortages of goods, inflation, and a wide-open border, descend upon Washington and run the Marxist cabal out. We then have a convention of states to propose Constitutional amendments to reform government, amendments that: limit the terms of congressmen and senators; provide for congressional and state override of Supreme Court decisions; provide for state override of acts of Congress; limit government bureaucracy and regulations; mandate a balanced budget; limit income and corporate taxes to 10%; limit federal intervention in the economy to matters only related to interstate trade; and mandate photo ID for all voters in federal elections. As a result of our reclaimed economic freedom, America prospers like never before. A single breadwinner can support a family, and White women, unburdened economically, do what females do when they do not live in stark conditions: have more offspring.

Further, we close the border and severely restrict immigration; we get the federal government and the teachers unions OUT of public schools; we put an end to federal involvement in welfare programs, and let the state and local governments handle them, thus weeding out the abusers of those systems; we revamp our military and strengthen it to such a degree that Russia, China, Iran or ANYBODY would never dare think of crossing us ever again; we do away with legally sanctioned racial discrimination, i.e., affirmative action and minority quotas in employment and higher education; we drill for oil EVERYWHERE and build more refineries, thus making gasoline so cheap that Detroit starts making muscle cars with big-block engines again; we do away with these insane laws that mandate business owners have to violate their convictions and cater to LBGTQ customers; we proclaim loud and clear, as a matter of law and culture, that there are only two sexes, and marriage is between a man and a woman; we have free trade but fair trade with other countries, and stop allowing other countries to cheat us with one-sided trade regulations and currency manipulations; as an offset for decades of cheating us on trade, stealing our intellectual property, and causing trillions of dollars in losses with the COVID virus, we cancel our national debt with China, and, thus, take a huge step toward paying off the national debt overall.

We can have a veritable paradise here in America if we simply take our country back from the political establishment that we have allowed to steal it from us. And taking it back is not that hard. Our enemies’ nominal leader is a senile old man, his puppet master, Obama, is a Marxist “community organizer” conman whose only skill is playing the system, and his enablers in Congress, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are a couple of pathetic clowns. Once we kick the door in, the whole decrepit house will fall.

This is our country. It was stolen from us. Time to take it back. Salvation is in our hands if we would but take it.

White Replacement Theory

Grand replacement theory, or White replacement theory, is scoffed at by some as a far-right fantasy which states that there is a deliberate effort in some quarters to use immigration policies to replace the predominantly White populations of Europe and North America with people of color. Because the suspect in the mass shooting in Buffalo last week mentioned this theory in his rambling “manifesto,” there has been much buzz on the topic in the mainstream media. However, a cursory examination of recent history and leftist utterances shows that not only is White replacement theory real, it is celebrated by the Marxists, the race hustlers, and Democrat weasels desperate for votes.

In 1965, Senator Edward Kennedy sponsored the Immigration Reform Act, which allowed immigration from Third World countries which had hitherto been blocked. Kennedy bragged that this measure would change the electorate of the United States to one more disposed to the Democrat Party. Joe Biden had the same motive when he reversed President Trump’s immigration policies and ordered construction of the border wall stopped.

Self-hating White leftists like Tim Wise openly celebrate White decline. In his “Open Letter to the White Right” Wise taunted us thus:

It is math.

Not even advanced math. Just simple, basic, like 3rd grade math.

The kind of math that proves how your kind — mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like — are dying.”

It is very simple. The left equates Whiteness with Western Civilization, and they want to see us gone. Therefore, we can do one of two things. We can just throw up our hands and let it happen, or we can do something about it. Think about it. In November 2020, they stole a presidential election from us. Then they threw open the southern border. Now they are talking about taking away our guns.

Although the White race comprises only one fifth of the world’s population, there is no force on earth that could overcome us if we stood united. Our forefathers made this world, and without our drive, ingenuity, and love of freedom and individuality, the planet would be a Third World sewer. President Trump was reversing this trend, and that is why the left was so desperate to remove him.

It is time for all White people everywhere to wake up, stand up, and take our civilization back.